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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Lightweight embedded Node.js database with MongoDB API.


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This is a database application which helps to automate the production process of a middle-sized plant. The whole system consists of several modules: the production manager workplace, the supply manager workspace, storehouse department workspaces, the marketing director workplace and a plant manager.

Pruduct mix creator window The program realizes the full-cycle production process, from the creation of machine specifications to the acceptance tests. The program enables the creation of the factory specific product mix. Each product can be described as a set of accessories. Some accessories are produced by this plant, some are bought. But in both cases the program allows setup of the time-schedule for each of the accessories: when it should be ready, when you have to buy materials, when you have to order above-plan manufacturing. This information is statically added to the factory database.

Project time line window But static data accumulation is not the main purpose of the program. The main purpose of the program is dynamical analysis of the current production process. The main task consists in helping to resolve - in support of actual data representation. I.e. every moment managers must know how many accessories are there in the storehouse, how the creation of accessories proceeds, which financial resources are necessary to the supply department and so on. All this is provided to the production managers on their workplaces, to the supply managers and storehouse department personnel. The program helps to operate a middle-sized plant quickly and accurately.

When actual data representation is provided, the plant management personal can use the program to analyze current utilization capacity of the factory, forecast future marketing policies, accumulate financial funds for the supply department, calculate production efficiency and so on. The program helps to reduce internal expenses of the factory and maximize production efficiency.

Report for plant manager This program enables plant managers to control the production process easily and operatively. Specially designed time-line control shows immediately which unit should have been bought up to this moment but haven't been bought yet, or which unit should have been already produced but still is not ready. And, for example, if a unit is not ready in time, the program indicates the department which works ineffectively and so on.

Our team takes pride in not only the creation of this program, but also in established system implementation. As we know, the percentage of implementations even of very expensive and complicated systems is very low.

Total project development time: 150 developer days
Lines of the code: > 20 000
Used tools: Microsoft VB, MSVC++, Microsoft SQL, MS VSS
Used technologies: VB, C++, ActiveX, ATL, COM, WIN32 API, SQL, DB development

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