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Easy Trace

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Easy Trace is a software package for semi-automatic interactive vectorization of color and black-and-white raster images; it works under Windows 95/98/2000/NT. Most of our programmers were engaged in developing of Easy Trace digitizer. We implemented algorithms for image processing, scanning, semi-automatic tracing and interactive tutorial system. We also developed a special set of automated tests and interactive lessons.

EasyTrace application main window Flexible and smart internal program structure enables implementation of such complex features as unlimited UNDO/REDO for objects editing, background task processing, unlimited size of raster images and plug-ins. The optimized internal data structure allows export/import of the plug-ins to different CAD/GIS systems: Autocad, ArcView, MapInfo, ArcInfo and other. Having this feature Easy Trace is often used simply as a data conversion utility.

EasyTrace application help window For Easy Trace program we prepared excellent documentation with many samples, keyword searching and context help feature. The documentation was prepared with Microsoft HTML Help Utility. The set of interactive lessons accompanying the program demonstrates abilities of our group to create end-user packages which are very easy to use. Although Easy Trace is a very specific and complex program, its users confirm that this package starts up very quickly and works quite effectively. You can download and try it!

Total project development time: 1200 developer days
Lines of the code : > 100 000
Used tools: MSVC++, Rational Rose, Intel VTUNE, HTML Help, MS VSS
Used technologies: C++, MFC, ATL, COM, WIN32 API, HTML
Download: EasyTrace 7.0 Pro
WWW: Easy Trace Group Site

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