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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Casino main window Our developers have implemented several casino games as a part of online web-casino. We have developed only win32 (downloadable) client code. Server part and graphics were provided by our customer.

The installation package contains kernel files, which provide support for playing animation, communication with server, playing sounds and so on. Based on functions of that kernel we have also developed the following games: Black Jack, Caribbean poker (stud poker), Roulette, Slot machines, video pokers. The kernel size is small enough (about 1.5 MB), and the size of each game is about 300-500 KB. This is similar to online variant of games based on Java or Flash technology. But downloadable games are more user-friendly and high-speed and have excellent 2D graphics. The game with built-in support of mp3 sound files is so realistic, that one forgets about trips to Las Vegas!

Slot game screen The game package contains built-in cashier system which allows making payments using a credit card or through pay-pal payment system. Moreover, built-in self update system informs the user about recent functionality changes or new game implementations. I.e. the user downloads the game once and plays everlastingly.

The games are accessible in "Play for Real" mode (playing for real money), and "Play for Fun" mode (without real money). Both game modes use the same game code and graphics to minimize the size of a downloadable game. The user can easily switch from real mode to free and vice versa. To implement the marketing strategy selected by the casino support personal, our games have built-in internet explorer support. The user can read the latest casino news and other info. Online help system is accessible via built-in browser. Thus, the casino support personal can easily change game rules, payment tables and so on.

Total project development time: 300 developer days
Lines of the code: > 100 000
Used tools: MSVC++, Intel VTUNE, MS VSS, CVS
Used technologies: C++, WIN32 API, COM, DCOM, Inet API, Image processing, Direct Draw

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