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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Lightweight embedded Node.js database with MongoDB API.

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First of all you have to install all program components: development system, the plug-in, "Git Bash" if necessary. Then you can start working. The steps of working with the source control system can be roughly divided into two parts: the first implies adding of files (project), and the second consists in getting them at another computer for working with the project.

Primary adding of files to the project is the most difficult operation, especially if you have never worked with systems of this kind. The project is to be organized correctly and has to be disconnected from other source control systems. For a start we recommend not to connect real projects, but to go through all necessary operations with a test project. In this case, its correct organization and absence of connection to other source control systems will be guaranteed (since IDE will create this project itself).

The second operation of getting the project and working with it is less complicated. If the connection is successful, there won't be any problems with it. Below you can find a simplified scheme of work.

[PC 1]

  • Just open the project and work with it. Check out the file, add, check in modifications.
  • Synchronization a modifications - Pull a code between you and other developers.
[PC N]
  • Just open the project and work with it. Check out the file, add, check in modifications.
  • Synchronization a modifications - Pull a code between you and other developers.

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