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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Create tag/branch

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Make sure that the 'Repository binding' fields have correct values. Please open the GIT manager.Then choose the action 'Manage tags & branches'.
The first dialogue of a wizard allows to choose operation: 'Create', 'Rename' or 'Delete' branch/tag.

The next dialog of wizard will depend on the chosen operation.
For renaming - it is necessary to choose a branch which you wish to rename and type a new name of branch.
At removal - there will be a list of branches in which it is necessary to choose those which you wish to remove.
NB - It is impossible to remove the 'current branch'.

Creation of a new branch or tag will demand some dialogues of a wizard. To begin it is necessary to choose type of created object - "Branch", "Lightweight tag" or "Annotated tag".

Further at creation "Branch" or "Lightweight tag" it is necessary to fill out a name of new object.
At creation "Annotated tag" there will be a possibility to create 'Annotation' - in it you can keep any information valuable in your opinion.

Further it is necessary to specify the ancestor of new object. It can be existing branch or tag. Also ancestor can be any commit (you can use revision constructor , it will open by button pressing "...").
If you do not wish to be switched automatically on created branch for this purpose enough to switch off the check box "Switch to new OBJ after creation"

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