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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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After getting the project from GIT, you can continue your usual work with the project, that is its development. Roughly, development includes file changing and adding new ones. After the project is controlled by the source control system, all the source files get attribute 'readonly'. It is necessary, for you cannot start editing the file without specifying what you are going to do with it. This operation is called 'checking out a file', or briefly 'checkout'. After you finish some logically completed part of work with this file, you have to 'check a file in Source Control', or briefly 'checkin'. This way your modifications save in your repository.

According to the said above, you can assume that each file in the project under source control can be in several states: not controlled (not connected), controlled (connected to code control system), checked out (connected and accessible for checkout). Development environments display these states by special icons and tags, which you can see in the pictures below.


Besides two basic operations (checkin/checkout), other commands which can help you during development are available. These commands appear in numerous context menus concerning the file, they can be reached from appropriate IDE menus, and also from optional toolbar which can be switched on using conventional tools of the development environment. Below you can see a list of these commands and their functions:

  • Checkout
    This command allows to ask the source control system to check out a selected file(s). In other words, you inform the system that you are going to edit them.
  • Undo Checkout
    This command allows to undo file editing: to backup the version from which the editing has started (backup your modifications) and inform the system that you have finished file editing. In GITScc it is accessible offline.
  • Checkin
    Allows to upload your last file modifications.
  • Add to source control
    Allows to add the selected file(s) to Source Control. Perform this command if necessary for the files recently added to the project.
  • Get latest version
    Allows to get the latest file(s) version. This function is empty for GIT. Because the logic of work GIT strongly differs from logic of work centralised SCC for which SCCAPI was developed. For work with versions of files in GIT using others powerful tools - PUSH, PULL, TAGs & BRANCHs.
  • Show difference
    Allows to compare local file version with the one in the repository. This is convenient if you want to know what particular parts of the file you have changed during your last work.
  • Show history
    Allows to view the history (version tree) and the project work history as a whole. In GITScc it allows to perform such operations as annotation(blame), comparing of file versions in pairs, getting and saving file.
  • Refresh status
    The operation forcedly refreshes file status.
  • Properties
    Allows to view file properties within the source control system. For example, commit of a file, author, branch, date etc. Also You can see global plug-in's options page and plug-in's version page.
  • Start source control
    This command opens graphic dialog which allows to execute some important commands. Such as - PUSH changes, PULL changes, Fetch changes, Publish repository, Switch to branch, Merge branch, Manage tag and branches, also open plug-in settings dialog and Git GUI (this point of the menu will open standard window GIT GUI for a repository of the current project) .

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