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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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CVS SCC and SVN SCC plug-ins is highly compatible with SCC implementation. It supports practically all SCC commands with their expected behavior. Due to CVS and SVN nature and the fact that SCC implementation in IDE's has been tested only with SourceSafe, in some IDE's some limitations can appear, but they are not crucial.

Below you can find a list of IDE's compatible with our plug-in. It is split into two parts: IDE's for which the plug-in really works, and IDE's that probably must work with the plug-in (i.e. have SCC implementation) but we do not have feedback for them. If you use an IDE that is not in the list (or is not in the approved IDE list) please contact us. Your information will be very useful.

  • Approved IDE's for which we received feedback (or tested on our side):
    • MS Visual FoxPro 9.0
    • MS VS .NET 2010 (standard edition not supported)
    • MS VS .NET 2008 (standard edition not supported)
    • MS VS .NET 2005 (standard edition not supported)
    • MS Visual Studio 6.0 (VB, VC, VJ)
    • MS Visual InterDev 6.0, partial, not work for web projects
    • MS eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 (VB, VC)
    • Rational Rose
    • PowerBuilder 10
    • PowerBuilder 9
    • PowerBuilder 8
    • Borland IDE's through 3'rd add-ins
    • CA-VO/CVS-Environment
    • Compaq Visual Fortran
    • TOADD
    • Multi-Edit 8
    • Multi-Edit 9
    • PL SQL with VCS addin
    • RapidSQL 7
    • InstallShield
    • Home Site
    • IAR Embedded Workbench IDE 4.6B
    • LabView (since version 8.5)
  • Not approved IDE's, where the plug-in probably must work, but there is no any feedback available:
    • Visual Cafe
    • Kawa
    • Code Wright
    • Home Site
    • Cold Fusion
    • Xml Spy
    • Visual Age for Java

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