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SCC Dispatcher

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SCC Dispatcher is a program that transparently switches different SCC API providers. Maybe you know or even use the SCC Switcher utility, which is delivered with distribution packages of SCC Proxy products. SCC Switcher is a nice registry modification tool, which requires restart of the IDE to apply changes. In contrast to SCC Switcher, SCC Dispatcher is a tiny SCC API proxy, which enables switching on SCC API level. It initializes multiple providers in parallel and then, after it determines which provider is really needed, redirects all communications to that provider. This allows implementation of transparent switching. In other words, you don't have to check which provider is active now. You can just launch the IDE and open the project. SCC Dispatcher will automatically choose the correct provider for you.

Taking into account the nature of SCC Dispatcher, at present we cannot guarantee that the program will work for all possible providers. However, we have checked it with all our plug-ins and MS SourceSafe. User feedback is welcome. SCC Dispatcher is free and does not require any registration. However, if you like it, find it useful and want to support us, feel free to make some small donation.

SCC Dispatcher is very simple in use. We will not prepare any help for it, since everything necessary can be described here. After installation you will be forwarded to SCC Dispatcher configuration wizard. It shows all currently installed SCC providers and allows you to select those of them, which you want to manage with SCC Dispatcher. Right now we recommend you to leave all the installed providers, and only if you come across some problems, disable providers which do not work correctly.

Now the program is ready for work. Open your IDE and a project inside it. For the first time SCC Dispatcher will ask you to specify which provider you will use with the current project. Select it from the list and press OK. Later the correct provider will be selected automatically. If you have made a wrong selection, you can terminate the IDE process, repeat the attempt and hold down shift.

That's all. We hope you will find SCC Dispatcher helpful. If you have to use several Source Control systems, SCC Dispatcher will make your work in such environment much easier.

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