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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Lightweight embedded Node.js database with MongoDB API.

Create tag/branch

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Perform the operation "Get Latest Version" by opening the advanced options window. Then choose the action 'Create tag or branch'. Make sure that the 'Repository binding' fields have correct values. Specify the required operation: 'Create Branch' or 'Create Tag'. Select symbolical name for a new branch or a tag (you can select an existing branch or tag name from the dropdown list and use it as an example). Change the log message as you want. Press "OK". Then return to the IDE main window and press "OK" for the operation "Get latest version". The requested operation will be performed.

In order to create a branch or a tag the 'Repository binding' fields must be filled correctly. The 'Unified root MODULE' will be used as a source path for a copy operation. Destination path will be constructed from the 'Default MODULE for tags' or the 'Default MODULE for branches' (depending on what you creating) and the tag or branch name you enter in the 'Name' field. When the 'Advanced options' is checked, you can override this settings and specify any path in the repository as a source or a destination. Also you can specify a source revision (by default 'HEAD' revision is used).

SVNSCC plug-in allows you to automatically maintain a Subversion property that indicates the branches/tags that have been created from the project. The format of this property is compatible with the format of 'subclipse:tags' property supported by Subclipse. For each tag or branch the following line will be added:

All the tags and branches listed in this property will be shown in the dropdown lists for the 'Switch' and 'Merge' actions. If you want to update this property automatically when a new barnch or a tag will be created, check the 'Update tags-tracking property' option. The property will be updated for the Unified root MODULE of the main trunk, even if a tag/branch was created for another tag/branch of the project.

Note that all these operations do not change any files in your working copy. Changes will be made only in the repository.

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