In your list of product features you mention that the SVN SCC Proxy will
work with VS.NET web projects. I know from previous experience that there
are problems working with subversion controlled web projects in VS.NET due
to the ".svn" naming convention of the subversion directories.
I had tried working with web projects in an early beta of the SVN proxy
with no luck. Since seeing your comment about the ability to work with web
projects, I thought I'd give it a go. It seems that with the latest version
of the proxy I can _sort of_ work with web projects. However I do get a
number of errors.
Creating new web projects and adding them to source control seems to work
perfectly with no issues.
Issue #1:
When checking out a new copy of a web project however, I get problems when
I try to put my project content in a directory other than one under
c:\inetpub\wwwroot. I should be able to create a virtual directory of an
appropriate name and pointing to a particular directory either prior to
checking out or else at the time that the dialog box appears asking to
specify the urls corresponding to the web projects. It appears that Visual
Studio and/or the proxy want to force the project to be placed in the
c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory as I get a dialog box warning that the
physical directory c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebproject doesn't map to
http://locahost/mywebproject which is true since I have that URL pointing
to a different physical directory. As far as I know, this should be allowed
(and works perfectly if the project is not under source control. I have
figured out a way to work around this but it requires closing and reopening
the solution after retrieving the solution from source control.
Issue #2:
Regardless of issue 1, every time I open a solution containing web
projects, I get an error dialog saying "Refreshing the project failed.
Unable to retrieve folder information from the server" which I think is the
error that used to occur due to the .svn folder name. Interestingly, the
project files seem to still open correctly but I always get the dialog box
once for every web project on opening the solution.
Are you aware of the above issues or else do you have a work-around that
will prevent the above issues (particularly issue #2 which is annoying and
since I can work around issue #1 albeit in a very ugly fashion)