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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Working copy corrupted after SccQueryInfo

( SVNSCC , MTPE (own IDE), SVNSCC1.7.2/1.7.13, WIN 2000/XP, x86  )
Type: Public Status:Opened Created: 10 Jan 14 01:00 Updated: 29 Jan 14 01:00
--> Bombardier Transportation Swit (user)  at 29 Jan 14 01:00 writes


Do you have a debugging library for 1.7.13 too?

Can you please provide it.

Meanwhile I found that it is not in the SccQueryInfo() but in the
SccProjectOpen() call.

I was able to debug it. The local copy was ok before the SccProjectOpen()
call and only just before returning from the call the local copy got
altered. Since I had a breakpoint set before returning to the IDE I can
exclude the IDE as the one doing something to the working copy file.

The SVN meta data and the base file should not be updated on


--> Bombardier Transportation Swit (user)  at 23 Jan 14 01:00 writes

Hello PushOk

Is there a reason that one never or rarely get an answer or reaction to
Even to my proposal to your sales email address to find a solution for the
problems we face I do not get an reaction?

I really wonder how serious your Development Services statement is, if you
do not even react on emails sent to sales.


--> Bombardier Transportation Swit (user)  at 10 Jan 14 01:00 writes

Hello PushOk

We are using your SVNSCC provider in our own companies IDE.
Since upgrading from the 1.6.x version to 1.7.2 and now 1.7.13 we
experience strange effects. We hoped that the step from 1.7.2 to 1.7.13
would possibly solve it.

Executing a SccQueryInfo updates the working copy base but not the working
copy work file when another user has committed something new to the repo.

As a result
- The working copy base is then on the head.
- The working copy work file still is (most times and in our example) on
the revision before the head.
- The subversion client then sees the file as locally modified but is not
checked out.

We do not understand why the working copy base gets updated only on a
SccQueryInfo call?

Can you please verifiy that the working copy and the base is only updated
when a SccGet is performed?
Please also check how it can happen that the base is updated, but the
working copy work file remains?

As documentation of he situation please see the attachment.

Thanks in advance


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