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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Who owns the lock (svnscc pb9)

( SVNSCC , PowerBuilder, 1.4.0.x, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 14 Jan 08 01:00 Updated: 15 Jan 08 01:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 15 Jan 08 01:00 writes

Yes, you are right, PB can't show the form with information about file.
It's the feature of working PB with plugin.
To get the information about file in "safe way", you can use TortoiseSVN.
--> Raning Nils (user)  at 14 Jan 08 01:00 writes


I am testing SVNSCC with powerbuilder 9.

I would like to convince my bosses to use SVN and your plugin instead of

SVN has a lot of advantage over PBNAtive, but I see two disatvantages.

- It is much slower (it does more so ok)

- It's not easy to know who owns a lock on a file.
I found a "dirty" trick to do so:
try to remove the file from svn and you'll get an error (since the file is
locked) the error will tell you who owns the lock.

I think this trick is too dangerous for "real" development.

Do you know of any other way to get the owner of a lock?
I guess that any attempt of modification of the file on the repository
should be enough.


Nils Raning
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