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Unable to Check-out & Check-in the .cxx file in Microsoft Visual C++ with PuskOk plug in

( CVSSCC , VS .NET, <= 1.2.x, WIN 2000/XP, CVS NT 1.x  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 13 Nov 08 11:00 Updated: 18 Nov 08 11:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 18 Nov 08 11:00 writes

Please try to switch off "Pushok CVS Proxy properties\CVS options\Use CVS
client/server stream compression at level" option.
--> GEITC ETCoE (user)  at 18 Nov 08 11:00 writes

I have enclosed the debuglog.txt and protocollog.txt for your analysis.
After over writing the suggested dlls, I am not getting any error for
source & header files check-out & check-in.
But, when I check-out my project dll file then getting error as "CVS
error: [edit aborted]: Files being edited! & "Checkout error or user
cancellation" error
Please help me in this problem.
Thanks & regards,
protocollog.txt  debuglog.txt 
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 14 Nov 08 11:00 writes

The fastest way to find problem is to use the debug dlls.
Download them here:

Unzip to overwrite existing. You will find debuglog.txt and
protocollog.txt near the dll.
Send them to me for analysis.
Thank you in advance.
--> GEITC ETCoE (user)  at 14 Nov 08 11:00 writes

I am using version plug-in.
Thanks & regards,
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 13 Nov 08 11:00 writes

What version of plug-in do you use?
--> GEITC ETCoE (user)  at 13 Nov 08 11:00 writes


I am using Microsoft Visual C++ .NET PushOK plugin.
I am unable to Check-out & Check-in any file in Microsoft Visual C++
I have captured the error window in the attached ppt file.

Please help me in this problem and give your suitable solution.

Thanks & regards,
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