Some weird effects after installing the scc dispatcher. I use CVS (push ok plugin) and Visual SourceSafe. After installing, the dispatcher wizard asked for what scc providers, I did check my two installed scc providers. After this I opened my VSS solution, I did select VSS as provider. --> He wants to checkout my solution with the message : Change scc provider ->... (I don't remember the exactly message anymore :-( ) I did permit this the first time, but every time I want to open this solution, he wants to checkout.... I have another solution where he doesn't do that. (The solution where he wants to checkout everytime is a solution with webservices..., so there is a project into the solution who connects to IIS when openening the solution. I don't know if this is important to you) --> also, when I select the option : Change Source Control in Visual Studio to see my bindings, I see that they are connected, but for the server binding there is a message and for the status I have unknown. In normal situation I see the server bindings and a valid status.
cu, Eric |