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Rhapsody 7.6 via SVNSCC to SVN

( SVNSCC , Rhapsody 7.6, done know, Win 7, x64  )
Type: Public Status:Opened Created: 02 Feb 14 02:00 Updated: 02 Feb 14 02:00
--> Rob (user)  at 02 Feb 14 02:00 writes

Hi there. I have set up SVNSCC and tortoise SVN. It would be nice to get a
screenshot how to setup the SVNSCC items in the configuration area of
SVNSCC for best working practice between Rhapsody and SVN.
Secondly, if somebody has changed something in the repository and others
are starting Rhasody locally and get the status, Rhapsody shows up with
new/changed items with a green tick and status Read Only. This green tick
means normally that it has check out an item. However, there is added (RO)
which means Read Only. This is a contradiction. When doing uncheckout
command, it will fix it and will get the proper information from the
That happens also, when I copy my local project to a team mate and he/she
starts it from his/her local drive.
Any ideas?
Many thanks.


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