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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Reserved Checkout

( CVSSCC , VS .NET, Latest, WIN 2000/XP, CVS NT 2.0.x  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 24 Sep 04 09:00 Updated: 27 Sep 04 09:00
--> IT Dept (user)  at 27 Sep 04 09:00 writes

Hi Igor

Thanks again for the quick reply. We must be blind, both of us looked
straight past the concurrent edit box in the cvs options. It all makes a
lot more sense now.

We appreciate youtaking the time out to answer our queries.

--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 27 Sep 04 09:00 writes

) \'When file is read-only you should apply \"cvs edit\" in CVS GUI.\'
) I understand that this can be done via a checkout in the IDE but which
CVS GUI does the above statement relate to? Is this through CVSNT or
through your plugin? How do we get to this GUI?
I mean external CVSGUI. We use WinCVS and TortoiseCVS. Both systems
have the command called exactly the same "cvs edit". Once again I mean
_external_ modification outside of IDE.
) How is the plug-in configured to work in reserved checkout with the \"cvs
edit -c\" commmand? We cannot see any specific option through your plugin.
Does this need to be performed via CVSNT as
) well? If so, how is it to be done?
This controlled by two options in plug-in configuration window, page
"cvs options" section "Concurent edit":
- Reserved checkout mode (switched off by default due to _concurrent_
nature of CVS)
- Use reserved checkout mode for binary files (switched on, because
conflict in binary files cannot be resolved automatically).
I also want to notice, that WinCVS for example have two commands
(buttons in toolbar): simple "cvs edit" and "cvs edit -c". In any case
this is only client configuration. Server side does not require
something for this.
--> IT Dept (user)  at 26 Sep 04 09:00 writes

Hi Igor

Thank you for the quick reply. We had lost confidence in the product prior
to the original post but are strating to regain some confidence, yet still
unable to perform the tasks we require. Just to clarify a few quick things.
You stated that

'When file is read-only you should apply "cvs edit" in CVS GUI.'

I understand that this can be done via a checkout in the IDE but which CVS
GUI does the above statement relate to? Is this through CVSNT or through
your plugin? How do we get to this GUI?

Secondly when you stated

'When you configure plug-in to work in reserved checkout mode
for all files (by default it is enabled only for binary files)
we use "cvs edit -c" command.'

How is the plug-in configured to work in reserved checkout with the "cvs
edit -c" commmand? We cannot see any specific option through your plugin.
Does this need to be performed via CVSNT as well? If so, how is it to be

Thanks again in advance.....
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 24 Sep 04 09:00 writes

1. Plug-in itself not contain any functionality to automatically
checkout file when you start edit it and so on. Plug-in just provide
some functionality via SCC API to IDE. And such things are implemented
in IDE. VS .NET IDE "likes" when source control files are "read-only".
Even more if they are not readonly it makes them readonly when you
checkin them.
So, when you start edit file, IDE check the read-only flag, and if it
is on it ask you to checkout file or checkout it for you
It is possible to work when source controlled files not readonly, but
this cause more problems than good things.
Plug-in by default pull files as read-only using specific CVS option.
This setting controlled by "Checkout files read-only" option in
plug-in configuration. If you use plug-in + other CVSGUI you should
configure it also to use that mode.
2. When file is read-only you should apply "cvs edit" in CVS GUI or
"checkout" in IDE. "cvs edit" removes readonly flag and notify the
server that you start to edit the file. This is not the strict "lock"
from editing on other PC, but this information can help us to
"establish" reserved checkout mode.
3. So, user on other PC should have files also readonly. Those he
should apply "cvs edit" also. When you configure plug-in to work in
reserved checkout mode for all files (by default it is enabled only
for binary files) we use "cvs edit -c" command. This option instruct
CVS to not make anything if file is edited on other PC.
In other words in CVS possible only "soft" reserved checkout. I.e. if
you not follow the described rules you can ignore it. For example
instead of "cvs edit -c" you can use "cvs edit" or just remove
read-only flag.
So, you not need to make all files read-only, and not needed to do this
manually. Source files _should_ be read-only if all options configured
properly. If you connect binary files to source control please check
is it really needed or not. Since they should be built from sources.
--> IT Dept (user)  at 24 Sep 04 09:00 writes


We recently started using your CVS Proxy plugin and this is the first time
we have started using CVS with our development solution. I will try and
describe our issue the best that I can and hopefully you can solve it or
point me in the right direction. Note that I have read through existing
tickets and questions of similar relevance have been asked in the past, but
we are unable to piece it together.

We have 2 development machines A & B. Machine A has CVSNT running on it as
the repository.

If machine A checks out a VB.NET form from the repository on its machine,
how do you force the repository to lock the file so that it will not allow
machine B to check out the same file for editing?

Secondly, if a VB.NET form is checked in and either machine tries to edit
it, how do you force the user to check out the form before edit? I know
this has something to do with read-only files, but we had an issue where we
could not build any of our projects because the executables were

We understand that these questions are quite general, but as you can tell
we don't have a clue how to configure the plugin &/or CVSNT to be able to
function how we require it.

Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
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