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ProxySVN compatibility

( SVNSCC , PowerBuilder, SVNSCC 1.5.x, Windows 7, both  )
Type: Public Status:Opened Created: 28 Nov 13 11:00 Updated: 28 Nov 13 11:00
--> International Post Corporation Callewier (user)  at 28 Nov 13 11:00 writes

We have a server with 1.4.6 running.
There're few clients using your SVN Proxy and with
Powerbuilder 10.5 on WInXP and Windows 7 64bits.

I'm investigating upgrade to PB12.5.x on my win 7 64bits.
PB10.5 with SVNProxy works fine for me for years.
I installed pb12.5.1, made a copy of PBL in new 12.5 temp folder, upgraded
them, regenerated without setting up SourceControl (SC) for now.

I set up a SC, pointing to 1.4.6 server and new root folder. I checked in
all sources to create an initial version of valid compiled and regenerated
version of source. Things looked fine on server (all objects) in proper
folders structures.

Then I created another local root folder on my PC, used pb orca to do
bootstrap import of all sources from server.
Created workspace, configured SCC - everything looked fine on my desktop

I checked out few objects, modified them and shutdown PB.
When I restarted PB, all objects from library in which I previously checked
out and modified objects were displayed as not under source control. Even
option Add to Source control was active for them.
At the same time PB was able to display scc version of this objects (see
attached sn1.png file). Objects in other libraries were displayed properly
(currently under SC and not required any status refresh).
Refresh Status did not help.

I'm wondering if there's any issue with compatibility between SVNProxy and
SVN server versions?

Why did this work with 10.5 on the same machine for years ?

I seem to remember a table on your website, that was providing all ranges
of compatible versions, unfortunately I cannot see it anymore.

I'd appreciate if you could provide one, so if we decide to upgrade svn, we
could do this and set up proper version of SVN Proxy as well.

On another VM with Win 7 32 bits I played a bit with the same config. I got
another message I attached below.
It appeared very same way (objects from modified library are not under SC
Looks like incompatibility issue.

Could you please suggest any solution, maybe different supported version of
SVN server/SVN Proxy ?

I already tried to file a ticket with this issue, it seemed like worked but
now I cannot see it anymore so I'm trying again

+32 2 7247 279

svn1.png  svn2.png 

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