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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Protel & Binary

( CVSSCC , Protel DXP 2004, Latest, WIN 2000/XP, local  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 25 Sep 04 09:00 Updated: 27 Sep 04 09:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 27 Sep 04 09:00 writes

1. Our plug-in _perform_ automatic type recognizing and all
appropriate actions to work correct with binary files. Also, it
correctly accept flags indicating binary files from IDE (if PROTEL
support this). We know only problems when _text_ files with national
(not ANSI) characters added to CVS. Sometime they recognized as
BINARY. Many more things are implemented around support of binary
files, like the default reserved checkout mode (to prevent conflict)
and so on. So, I not think that there can be the problems.
2. CVS itself (on server side) does not support compression to store
files (in repository). They stored as they is. However, gzip
compression used for traffic between client and server. This reduces
traffic, but increases server load. You can control the compression
level in plug-in options.
Also, about big files, CVS stores diffs between version (for binary
files also) not the full versions of files. So the repository (source
database) grows not so fast as for VSS (or even SVN).
3. I did not have any feed back about CVS proxy & Protel, but have some
feedback for SVN proxy & Protel (SVN proxy is made on basis of CVS
proxy but for subvesion, another GNU SCM).
4. We trying to make all, to make CVS(SVN) proxy as much as possible
compatible with SCC API and IDE's that use them. I think that now this
is very correct implementation. So we are happy (with your help) put
the Protel into compatibility list.
--> Simon Peacock (user)  at 25 Sep 04 09:00 writes

Hello there
I am evaluating CVS currently for use at my company and was recommended
PushOK by one of your customers.

I have a couple of questions as to the handling of files, mainly binary

A little background.
At my company we develop digital radios have approx 20 developers
generating RF, Software, VHDL & PCB’s with a mix of text and binary files.
Currently only the software and VHDL is under version control but we are
investigating all the rest (it is just archived).

The VHDL is under VSS but there are major flaws, which makes the use of VSS
dangerous so we are looking at changing the HDL designer IDE from VSS to
CVS. This may need a proxy but I am unsure as yet.

PCB CAD is done with Protel, currently we are using 99SE but the latest
version (Protel DXP 2004) stores a mix of binary and text files and has
support for an SCC interface. It is the main reason for looking at SCC CVS

The evaluation I am doing is at home with local settings, the live system
is a Linux Server. (Although that might get changed to Windows Server with
Raid 5 if the usage becomes company wide).

Does PushOK CVSproxy automatically recognise binary files and handle them

I have had this thought with Protel. Its own binary source files are
actually databases and as such compress exceedingly well. Would it ever be
likely that SCC VCS would be capable of using something like gzip to
pre-process the binary source before creating a command for SCC?
The reason I ask this is that Protel PCB files can easily grow to 1 to 3
megs in size so can take up a lot of space if not compressed. They will
also compress by 80% or more.

Has there been much feedback from Protel uses (or any feedback)?

You have a list of approved IDE’s ... I notice Protel wasn’t one can I help
here in getting it on your approved list?

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