We could not wait for this to be resolved, so we found an alternate
solution using PBSCC. Here is our information, but it is no longer a
blocker for us, since we have moved to a different product.
What we use -
OS (32/64 bit) - Windows 7 64 bit
IDE (32/64 bit) - Powerbuilder 12.5 32 bit
svnscc (version and 32/64 bit) - 1.7.2 32 bit
svnserver (version) - 1.8
Rick Terry
From: support@pushok.com
To: terryr1@nationwide.com
Date: 02/05/2015 07:47 AM
Subject: [pst3071] Powerbuilder, SVN 1.8 and PushOK failing
http://www.pushok.com/tickets_addmodify.php?id=3071What you use -
OS (32/64 bit)
IDE (32/64 bit)
svnscc (version and 32/64 bit)
svnserver (version)