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PowerBuilder 12 With PushOK SVNSCC x86 |
, PowerBuilder, SVNSCC 1.6.x, Windows 7, x64 )
Type: Public Status:Opened
Created: 30 Jan 14 01:00 Updated: 28 Jul 14 07:00
--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 28 Jul 14 07:00 writes
Any answer ? Please give me a feed back if it isn't possible to correct the issue quickly
Regards Cyril
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 21 Jun 14 06:00 writes
could we have a feed back
Thank you
Cyril |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 17 Jun 14 06:00 writes
We have done some tests (please found attached trace files) and we don't have the issue with your debug version: - No waiting delay when opening the 2nd, 3srd,... time PB 12. - Overlay well updated.
It seems that we didn't have the same version.
=> Could you please send us the good link to dowload the latest version of PushOK without debug mode. And do you have develop a version of PushOK with SVN 1.8 because we going to migrate the server side to 1.8 ?
Regards Cyril |
Tortoise 1.7.zip
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 09 Apr 14 04:00 writes
It's possible to have a return?
Regards Cyril |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 31 Mar 14 03:00 writes
Could you give me a quick update. Because we are blocked in or migration.
Many thanks
Regards Cyril |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 26 Mar 14 03:00 writes
please any feed back
Regards Cyril |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 20 Mar 14 03:00 writes
could you give me the same DLLs (debug mode) for SVNSCC 1.7.x.
Thank you
regards |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 20 Mar 14 03:00 writes
And sorry but we still have the issue and need to resolve it.
Thank you
Regards |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 20 Mar 14 03:00 writes
1) The version you gave me work fine but create ".svn" under "Client" sub-folder and it isn't good because we use the version 1.7.6 of tortoise and only one folder ".svn" is created (see before... and now attached files).
NB: We link SVN MODULE with "branches/AMD_7.8.0/Client", not with "branches/AMD_7.8.0" which contains the only ".svn" folder.
2) The version you gave isn't the same than the one we have.
Reminder: - Plateform: Windows 7 (x64) - PB 12.1 (build 6578) - SVN 1.7.6 - Tortoise: 1.7.9
3) We have a message box each time we open PB12 and it take a lot off time before giving us the hand (between 2 to 3 minutes) . Questions: 1) Do we have an option to avoid to create ".svn" under "Client" folder and use the root one (for us under AMD_7.7.5) 2) Do we have an option to avoid the waiting time when opening Powerbuilder
=> This is the last blocking point we wait before migrating to or new plateform.
Regards Cyril
Before with old tortoise version.png
Now with new tortoise version.png
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 19 Mar 14 03:00 writes
sorry for the delay.
Could you please send me the files by email. I can't dowload them. Regards Cyril |
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--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)
at 20 Feb 14 02:00 writes
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--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)
at 20 Feb 14 02:00 writes
We are working with this question. But now is no result.
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 05 Feb 14 02:00 writes
Any feed back ?
Regards Cyril |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 03 Feb 14 02:00 writes
Could we have a return, please. This is a blocking issue for us before migrating to Windows 7.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Regards Cyril |
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--> SEBAH Cyril (user)
at 30 Jan 14 01:00 writes
PushOK is synchronize to SVN repo and work correctly (Get latest version, checkout,... ).
However each time I open PB12 - First, a sycnhronisation is launched and I have to wait 4 minutes before I can access and work with PB. - Secondly the object I've locked have a red cross, like if someone else lock my objects (but in SVN repo I'm the person who lock the objects).
=> Could give me the reason and if I have to deactivate an option (see attach)
Regards Cyril SEBAH |
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