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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Migrating to Windows 7, Powerbuilder 12.5 and Subversion 1.8

( SVNSCC , PowerBuilder, SVNSCC 1.7.x, Windows 7, x64  )
Type: Public Status:Opened Created: 17 Mar 14 03:00 Updated: 06 Nov 14 11:00
--> Securex Rekencentrum Luc Vandenhende (user)  at 06 Nov 14 11:00 writes

Hello Oleg,

As we did not receive ony further feedback we guess we have to abandon
PushOK and move to another supplier.

Kristof Coolsaet
--> Securex Rekencentrum Luc Vandenhende (user)  at 25 Mar 14 03:00 writes

Hello Oleg,

Thanks for the answer. Have you got an idea when this stable version will
be ready?
We need a solution quite fast and can't wait months for this.

Greetings, Eric Debruyne
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 19 Mar 14 03:00 writes

At present we have not the stable version of a plug-in compatible with
1.8.4 SVN.
--> Securex Rekencentrum Luc Vandenhende (user)  at 17 Mar 14 03:00 writes

Hello, For the moment we are using your client soft Pushok on
Powerbuilder 11.2, Windows XP and Subversion 1.5.
We're in the process of testing the (very necessary) migration to Windows
7. Therefore, Subversion has been upgraded to 1.8.4 by our Operations-team
and we have a VMWare-client with Windows 7 and Powerbuilder 12.5
The migration to PB 12.5.1 wasn't a problem and the application runs nicely
under W7 as well but we had problems when we installed your Pushok driver
I read some remarks on your forum already about problems with this client
and I can add to that that the performance of the driver really was
dramatical. When we tried 'Add to Source Control' we had to wait for hours
and hours for the first screen, showing just the list of objects to be
We also tried the previous version 1.7.2 and though some progress was made
with that driver, we were also confronted with very long waiting-periods
and technical problems.
Hence our question, is there a new version available (or in the works) for
this client-software?
Thanks in advance,
Eric Debruyne, Securex ASBL

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