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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Manage existing VS solution with SVNSCC

( SVNSCC , VS .NET 2005, 1.4.0.x, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 19 Mar 08 03:00 Updated: 25 Mar 08 03:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 25 Mar 08 03:00 writes

Yes, there are some features of working with VS+plug-in.

But not that you suppose.

The feature is that adding the project into the repository using
VS+plug-in, VS adds some information about Source Control plug-in and some
additional overhead information into *.sln file. If you add from external
tool (Tortoise or Ankh), this important information doesn't add to the
*.sln file, and even after plug-in connection VS considers the project is
not under control.

The easiest (and the most reliable) way is to get "clean" project to new
place and add it to repository using VS+plug-in.

If it doesn't fit to you (you need to save project history), then should
use "File/Source Control/Change Source Control" for connection your
solution with repository, so extended information will be added to *.sln
and *proj files.

--> Berend Veldkamp (user)  at 19 Mar 08 03:00 writes

Hm, it seems some text at #6 disappeared, it should be:
6. "Server name" and "Server binding" is still "No Server"
--> Berend Veldkamp (user)  at 19 Mar 08 03:00 writes


Previously I managed my Visual Studio/Subversion projects with Tortoise or
Ankh, but I'd like to try out SVNSCC. I just found out how to enable source
control for a project (through File | Source Control | Change Source
Control), but it seems that it's not possible to enable source control for
a solution (*.sln).

Steps to reproduce:
1. File | Source Control | Change Source Control
2. Select "Solution: MySolution.sln", press "Bind", press "OK"
3. Result is:
Changes which you did will not have effect. If you really need to change
bindings in current working copy then you have first to use "svn switch"
This command will adjust svn service folders (/.svn or /_svn) properly
which plug-in cannot make for you.

Do you still want to save changes?

Yes No

5. I'm not quite sure what's meant with this message (why should I
switch?), so I'll just press "Yes"
6. "Server name" and "Server binding" is still ""

Is there any way at all to manage an sln with SVNSCC or is this a
limitation of Visual Studio?

Regards, Berend Veldkamp
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