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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Localized comment trouble on subversion source control reconnection

( SVNSCC , VS .NET, Latest, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 21 Jan 06 01:00 Updated: 02 Feb 06 02:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 02 Feb 06 02:00 writes

This should be fixed in version 1.3.
--> Sergey Korotkov (admin)  at 23 Jan 06 01:00 writes

First of all you not need to disconnect solution when working offline.
Plug-in designed to work off-line itself. There are some limitattions, but
mostly it is very convient.
About ~... files and localized comments. Currently in betta stage plug-in
version 1.3 which will not have such problems because:
1. It uses SCC API 1.3 so IDE will stop to produce such commits.

2. It will use SVN directly rather than spawning svn.exe (which cause
problem with localized messages).

I put accepted to your ticket and we specifically will change how it will
work in new version. We'll also notify it when it'll released (expected at
the end of January).
--> Gabriele Gaspardis (user)  at 21 Jan 06 01:00 writes

Hello, I installed the SVNSCC Proxy on MS VS.NET 2003 Pro. I've also
installed Subversion 1.1 on debian machine. When I work out of office, I
disconnect the solution from source code control. Then when I came back in
office, I reconnect the modified solution to subversion. In this situation,
VS.NET try to put under source control a file with a ~ at the begin of name
and .sln as extention. The comment for this commit is "File temporaneo
creato per testare le funzionatą di ..." (I'm in Italy). In this comment I
have an "ą" and when the svn proxy commit this text I have got an error
like "Non ASCII character found (224) cannot convert to utf8". Can you
explain to me what can I do to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.

Gabriele Gaspardis.
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