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How to deploy license for another user

( Licensing )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 07 Sep 04 09:00 Updated: 08 Sep 04 09:00
--> Dmitry Pometun (admin)  at 08 Sep 04 09:00 writes

1. You can provide 2nd user with your login and password and he will be
able to generate license key himself.
2. You can get 2nd user's program's serial key and manually generate
license key for him.
--> Dean Turner (user)  at 07 Sep 04 09:00 writes

My second user license is for

How do I get a key for this user? Several users have placed similiar
questions about registration of the licenses? I suggest setting up a
separate web page for \'commercial\' licenses with more concise


1st user: ( purchased 2 licenses ) 2nd user:

How does second user get license key?????

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