Sorry for inconvenience with this, however think you will not have
problems after my explanation. So, to register program:
1. Start "registration wizard"
a) it can appears automatically, when you launch your IDE, and
plug-in is unregistered
b) Launch "Programs\Pushok Software\CVSSCC\Configure
plugin\About(rights)\Update registration"
2. Register program
a) Automatic registration (most simple, but on your PC should be
connected to Internet and port 80 (http) open for outgoing
* in registartion wizard select "automatic mode"
* then select "registered user"
* then type your login and password
* then you will see list available licenses (in your case only
one). Select it and press Finish
b) Manual mode (more complex, but not need direct connection to
* in registartion wizard select "manual mode"
* you will see page with your serial key.
* generate key
option 1:
* Press copy to clipboard button
* go to the * login using your login name and password
* press "generate key" link
* copy serial key from clipboard into top field
* press generate key
* copy license key to clipboard and paste it into
registration wizard
* press the "finish" button
option 2:
* press "" button
* browser will be opened and your serial key transferred to
* login using your login name and password
* press generate key button
* copy license key to clipboard and paste it into
registration wizard
* press the "finish" button