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Frequently getting "Failed to update project location information in the host application." error for Access XP

( SVNSCC , MS Access XP (2002),, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 22 Sep 08 09:00 Updated: 26 Sep 08 09:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 26 Sep 08 09:00 writes

We have no idea why this message appears but from our experience we may say
it have no effect. You may close it and work further.
--> Gluskin-Sheff + Associates Malcolm Clarke (user)  at 22 Sep 08 09:00 writes

When I retrieve an Access project from SVN or if I open an Access DB which
is already under SVN, I get the following error...
"Failed to update project location information in the host application."
which the MS Access Source Code Control component help file describes as:
"This message has the following cause and solution:
· Another application is using the .mdb file.
Make sure no other application is using the database (be sure to check
programmatic use through DAO)."

Any ideas why this is happening?
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