1. Version 1.2 of SVN now can update the files if they readonly, so one
part of our patches not needed at all. This is most critical part, since it
prevent to work combination of our plug-in with other non patched SVN
Another thing that can make new SVN 1.2 is to support strict lock. Now
exist property svn::need_lock which instruct SVN make files with this
property readonly in local folder. However this option must be applied only
to selected files which really are dangerous for merging (binary files for
example). So, new SVN 1.2 mostly much better in that aspect.
But, IDE still likes when files are readonly notdepending on are they
really need lock or not. That's why we will make patched version even for
SVN 1.2.
2. Unfortunatly no. The sequence of operations not fully controlled by
plug-in. Plug-in is driven by IDE, which first want to add files, and then
commit changes.
3. Thank you we will fix this.
4. This is not true. You can send there both file revision and file url. In
terms of SVN branch or tag is just a copy of file located in some other
place. I.e. original file URL: myserver/trunk/myfile.cpp. So the branched
version will be for example at URL:
5.1. - 5.2. I believe this is just content error, where you find that?
Currently there no way to merge branches from IDE for SVN plug-in and SVN
does not have anywhere list of tag and branches. It may be useful to look
into this discussion about this:
http://www.pushok.com/soft_svn_vscvs_1.phpAnd finnally, number is correct, but not always available personel who can
speak english, sorry.