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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Error using last auth provider.

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 13 Nov 07 11:00 Updated: 19 Nov 07 11:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 19 Nov 07 11:00 writes

SVNCOM library uses some special "tricks" to optimize amount of
authentications request. The key part of this functionality is
PushOkSvn.SVNAuthManager. By default it is not supposed to used publicly.
However error which happens for you might be caused by some incorrect usage
of this object so I'll explain how it works.
1. When SVNClient object created it hiddenly "creates" SVNAuthManager which
is unique object per the same process.
2. Then if you call function SetupAuth (0) or didn't call it at all
SVNClient asks SVNAuthManager to create new authentication object. This
object is some internal SVN client library object which is stored in
SVNAuthManager and identified by some integer cookie (identity).
3. At the later time this cookie can be used to instruct another instance
of SVNClient to use the same authentication object. This demostrated in
this sample:
set client1 = CreateObject("PushOkSvn.SVNClient")
client.SetOption SvnClientOptionDefUserName, "User"
client.SetOption SvnClientOptionDefUserPassword, "Password"
set client2 = CreateObject("PushOkSvn.SVNClient")
dim authcookie
' ask first client to setup new auth object and return its cookie
set authcookie = client1.SetupAuth 0
' ask second client use the same auth as first one
client2.SetupAuth authcookie
4. If you destroy SVNClient object for which you initially obtain
authentication cookie you can ask SVNAuthManager to do not destroy
authentication object by calling AddRefAuthProvider(authcookie).
5. Exist few options for SetOption function which control how authetication
- SvnClientOptionAuthInteractiveOnly -- don't cache authentication, ask
- SvnClientOptionAuthNonInteractive -- never ask user, used cached only
Mentioned error might appear when for some reason SVNCLient knows some auth
cookie (refference to authentication object in AuthManager) which is not
longer valid. Authcookie can appears invalid in following cases:
1. For some reason SVNAuthManager instance was destoryed between calls to
SVNClient functions. To avoid this you can globally declare and create
2. Because of bug in SVNClient with non initialized variable. It is fixes
few months ago and fix should exist in latest version. However SetuAuth (0)
should solve issue not depending on does your version have this fix or not.
--> Duboeuf Stéphane (user)  at 19 Nov 07 11:00 writes

I downloaded the version (SDK installation) on your web site, and I
have included the svncom.dll in my solution.
The dll which appears in my solution is named "Interop.PushOkSvn.dll", it's
indicated version
I'm doing some bunch of operations as one logical operation and I have
tested your solution but I've got the same problems. Some times an
operation fail without reason (and not always the same). Once it had failed
one time it starts to bug, the library become very unstable and a lot of
operation failed. An "iisreset" help to stabilize the library.
I suppose it's due to the way of connected. I saw that your library is
using cookies to store the connection. Is there a way not to use cookie and
to create a new connection each time?
I'm using "svnClient.SetupAuth(0);" to try to initialize the connection,
but I'm not sure it's the good method.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : []
Envoyé : vendredi 16 novembre 2007 09:33
À : Duboeuf Stephane
Objet : [pst1853] Error using last auth provider.
Can you provide version of SVNCOM bindings you using?
Also, if you doing bunch of operations as one logical operation it is
preferable to cache authentication as described here:
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 16 Nov 07 11:00 writes

Can you provide version of SVNCOM bindings you using?

Also, if you doing bunch of operations as one logical operation it is
preferable to cache authentication as described here:
--> Duboeuf Stéphane (user)  at 13 Nov 07 11:00 writes


I'm using your SVNCOM library for a C# project and I have some problems
with the connection.

I'm connecting svn this way :
UserProcessor processor = new
List usr = processor.GetSVNUserInfo(userId);
SVNClientClass svnClient = new PushOkSvn.SVNClientClass();


return svnClient;

I'm creating a new SVNClientClass each time I've got to do an action on SVN
(check-out, commit, import...) and some times I have this error : "Error
using last auth provider."

Is there a way to avoid this error? To clean the object?

Thanks you very much.
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