I have opened a support ticket at September 12th 2013.
On December 13th I have added information and debugfiles, but I have had no
response from you yet.
Why are you not answering ??
Do I need to reopen a new ticket or so?
Here is the ticket I'm referring to:
Performance i.c.w. Unipaas 1.9n
( SVNSCC , Unipaas1.9n, SVNSCC 1.6.x, win server 2003 r2, x86 )
Type: Public Status:Opened Created: 12 Sep 13 09:00 Updated: 19 Dec 13
--> Meilink Sabrina Horst (user) at 19 Dec 13 12:00 writes
I need to say that the new (virtual) machine is a win2008r2 64-bit
--> Meilink Sabrina Horst (user) at 13 Dec 13 12:00 writes
We have reinstalled on a new server.,
Check in/out is now acceptable in a clean environment.
But starting our development studio environment takes 40 seconds or more.
I attached the debug files.
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin) at 12 Sep 13 09:00 writes
The fastest way to find problem is to use the debug dlls.
Download them here:
http://www.pushok.com/files/temp/PushokSVNSCC_16170d.7zhttp://www.pushok.com/files/temp/svncom_16170d.7zhttp://www.pushok.com/files/temp/sccapi_svn16170d.7zUnzip to overwrite existing. You will find debuglog.txt and debuglog.txt
near the dll.
Send them to me for analysis.
Thank you in advance.
--> Meilink Sabrina Horst (user) at 12 Sep 13 09:00 writes
Checking in and out is sooo slow.
If I check out 3 programs it takes almost 2 minutes.
What I see is that with every program it updates the source.
Why is this happening and which options do I have to change this behaviour
We are on a windows 2003 server behind citrix.
Using Tortoise for svn and pushok plugin to communicate with our
programmingtool called Unipaas 1.9n.
I also have sent you 2 emails to your contact-email adress and both are
ignored. Why ?
Please help.