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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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CVSProxy and Visual C++ Standard

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 21 Oct 04 10:00 Updated: 22 Oct 04 10:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 22 Oct 04 10:00 writes

You talking about VS .NET editions. I not know exactly which work with
CVS proxy, and which not. Entreprise and Professional work, about
others not know.
Our plug-in use the SCC API interface to integrate into IDE. IDE can
support it or not, and this not depends on us. About VS.NET editions,
if they work with MS SourceSafe, they will work also with any other
SCC systems.
--> Orville Pike (user)  at 21 Oct 04 10:00 writes

I'm currently testing CVSProxy out on Visual Studio 2003 Professional
however our other users and my other reviewer is using Visual C++ .NET

Does CVSProxy work with this version. The Source Code control options are
not present .

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