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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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CVS SCC - Can\'t check in - Problem with temp files

( CVSSCC , VS .NET, 2.0.x, WIN 2000/XP, CVS NT 2.x >= 2.0.58  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 13 Jan 06 01:00 Updated: 16 Jan 06 01:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 16 Jan 06 01:00 writes

This is just permission problem on your server. I.e. this is mostly CVS NT
related problem. You can do some searches in public tickets.
In brief you just need to configure your server repository folder and
temporary folder making them accessible to all CVS users. By default CVS NT
uses domain authentication so it is not very hard for you.
--> José Xavier Muņiz Santos (user)  at 13 Jan 06 01:00 writes

I am having some problems with my .Net project, but I really don’t know if
it is caused by the SCC Plug-in, the CVS NT client or the server.

This is what i have done:

1. Project created within Visual Studio .Net.
2. Project added to source control; module created within SCC
3. Some file checked-out, modified and checked-in again.
4. Project opened from source control on another developer machine.
5. On the other machine, some file checked-out and modified. When I
try to check-in, this error message appears: “cvs server:
C:\\WINNT\\TEMP\\cvs24.tmp: No such file or directory. cvs
[server aborted]: error diffing Default.aspx”, and then this one:
“Check In: The operation could not be completed”.
6. When I try to do the same on the first machine (the one in which
the project was added to source control), I get the same errors,
(but always with a different temporary file name).

The version of the SCC plug-in is 2.0.8_050927; the version of CVSNT is
2.5.03 build 2151 (on both, clients and server).

My CVSROOT is :pserver:xavier.muniz@multivac:/Data/CVSRoot, and the module
name is SAEPCAEP. The plug-in asks for password when openning the project.


-Xavier Muņiz.
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