We checked this, however cannot repeat this behavior. But while
testing I found something interesting for you.
As I told, CVS NT have built-in support for SSH connections, I not
tried it before, but now does.
What I find:
1. It _much more_ faster than cvs.exe+plink.exe, may be up to 2-3
2. It is _not need_ to setup password less connection.
3. SSH support is located in dll, so you will not have problems with
'plink.exe' processes.
Now, the descriptions how to establish it:
1. Protocol in CVSROOT is :ssh: not :ext:
instead of
2. Having all advantages of ssh (:ext) protocol works like :pserver:,
i.e. you need to "cvs login" first. Unfortunately just for now you
cannot do this from plug-in (we support login command but it is not
work with this protocol). So you need go to the plugin installiation
folder and type something like:
cvs -d :ssh:Serg@ksvhost.dyndns.org:/usr/pushok/cvs login
3. After that you can use IDE and plug-in as usual. IMPORTANT, you
should configure plug-in to use default cvs.exe (shipped with program)
Look at original description at:
http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/CvsChapter28Let me know if this useful.