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CVS Proxy 2.0 beta does not escape \'@\' char in password

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 11 Feb 05 02:00 Updated: 16 Mar 05 03:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 16 Mar 05 03:00 writes

Unfortunatly we did not found right solution for this problem. And we
decided to ignore this problem. I am not think this is hard to not use '@'
in passwords.
--> Julian (user)  at 11 Feb 05 02:00 writes

In VS.Net, when I do an 'Add Solution to Source Control', it prompts me
with the 'Select CVSROOT, module and local path' dialog.
I put in something like this for the CVSROOT:
(note that the host at ServerName is running CVS NT 2.0.58d)
When I click the Login button, I put in my password which happens to start
with a '@', for example suppose my password is '@RestOfPassword', then I
get a dialog with the following Error dialog:
Error connecting to host RestOfPassword@ServerName: No such host is known.
[login aborted]: Connection to server failed

If CVS reports that .cvspass file is absent,
please create it as empty file at the path CVS reported.

Note that I can use the same CVSROOT and my password to connect to that
repository from another client such as Eclipse that doesn't use the CVS SCC
Proxy. Also note that in my CVS SCC configuration, I am using an external
cvs.exe which is the CVS NT 2.0.58d client. I have no problem connecting
using other users that do not have an '@' as part of their password. I
have confirmed that an '@' anywhere in the password causes the CVS SCC
Proxy to think that everything AFTER the '@' in the password is the server
name. This happens with CVS SCC Proxy 2.0.betta2_050111 (and I assume also
with the just released today RC1, but I will try that). This must have
also been or maybe still is an issue with the 1.x versions because it was
reported earlier at the following Ticket:
Subject: CVS Proxy does not escapes '@' char in password while using
external cvs.exe
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 23 Apr 04 06:04 Updated: 26 Apr 04
Author: Sergey Group: CVSSCC Proxy
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