Thank you for your answer. We will evaluate your answer.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pushok Software []
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:05 AM
To: Mike Milvand (LCL)
Subject: Re: [pst154] Checkout wiped out by second checkout checked this behavior, and it is really exist. What I can say that
we use CVS during about 4 years and still not have problems with this.
May be when we will know this we will be aware. However I not think
this really important, since it is hard to imagine that this can
occurs during normal work.
So, "cvs edit" functionality which you refer to, work on "per user"
basis. That means that if the _same_ user have files in several local
folders on the same pc (may be on different too) he marked as editor
only for last "cvs edit". When "cvs unedit" or "cvs commit" applied in
one place, user automatically removed from editors list even if he
still "edit" file in other folder. So, this is how CVS designed.
However, I check INET and see that several users want to have that you
want. I.e. track edit not only per user, but "per user per file". Here
the links I found: I see some patches for this are available. You can apply them, or
may be you can found patched version. As I understand this is just
some fix on server side.
Few more comments. Please note that if several _users_ edit the same
file all work ok. The case is only when the same user edits the same
file in several folders.
Also, plug-in itself does not implement any CVS functionality, and
just use cvs.exe for all operations. So if you find or compile patched
version or will work with plug-in.
And the last, you should consider is this really problem for you or
not. As I remember SourceSafe it somehow linked to working copy, and
as I remember this cause much more problems. I.e. I think that this is
not bad that CVS works how it works.