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Cannot create Microsoft Access database from exported files

( GITSCC , Microsoft Access 2010 VBA, GITSCC 1.0.x, WIN 7, x64  )
Type: Public Status:Opened Created: 01 Apr 14 04:00 Updated: 01 Apr 14 04:00
--> Seb (user)  at 01 Apr 14 04:00 writes


I'm able to export files out of a Microsoft Access 2010 database and store
it in a GIT repository. But create the access db from the git extracted
files does not work.

Is it normal that the cloning step only create the root folder but the
content has been deleted?
See GitLocal.png

Then I choose the location for the project files and I have a GIT error.
See GitLocal2.png

Please help!


GitLocal.png  GitLocal2.png 

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