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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Cannot access CVSROOT over network share

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 16 Jun 05 06:00 Updated: 22 Jun 05 06:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 22 Jun 05 06:00 writes

--> David (user)  at 16 Jun 05 06:00 writes

Our CVS server is prohibited from running pserver or any other network
protocol. I have tried mapping the CVS root as a network drive so it
appears to be local. I set my CVSROOT to U:\\cvsroot, but I get an error
saying, \"Local access to network share not supported. (Use -N to

What exactly is the danger of local access to network share?

How do I override, i.e. where do I enter -N?

Do I have any other options?
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