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Branch and reserved checkout mode

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 16 Jun 04 06:00 Updated: 13 Jul 04 07:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 13 Jul 04 07:00 writes

This behavior completely managed by CVS, and we cannot change it. I.e. it
just remember that someone is edited file, not taking into account the
branch on which he perform this. So, this cannot be solved. Sorry.
As the solution you can "downgrade" from reserved checkot mode to "notified
mode". I.e. you can switch off option "reserver checkout mode" but switch
on option "Display editors warning...". This wat you will be notified on
checkout that file is edited by someone else, but can just ignore this
message if you know what you are doing.
--> B L (user)  at 16 Jun 04 06:00 writes


I have a question about branching and the 'reserved checkout option'.
We currently use PushOk 1.2.040416 with CVS and Visual Studio 2003. The
CVSNT service 2.0.14 is installed against our CVS server (Windows 2000)
with the lock service enabled.

We activated the reserved checkout option for all the developpers. And we
use two branches of the same CVS module (a Visual Studio project).
The problem is that when a file is already edited in our branched module,
we can't edit it another time in the other branch. It seems that the 'show
edited files' CVS command doesn't care about branch. So in the IDE, the
file is considered as already edited, and so the Visual Studio checkout
fails (the reserved checkout is enabled).

The point is we can't disable the 'reserved checkout option' only for our
branched project (which could possibly be a solution) and have it enabled
for the others. The ideal solution would be that PushOk takes the branch
name (the sticky tag) into account.

Have you any idea how we should proceed ?

Bertrand LEGA.
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