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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Any plans to support Subversion?

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 08 Apr 04 04:00 Updated: 08 Apr 04 04:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 08 Apr 04 04:00 writes

You can subscribe to "Pushok Software news" subscription to be
notified when this product will be ready.
--> Tristan Bates (user)  at 08 Apr 04 04:00 writes

Thank you very much for this information and for your opinions and thoughts
on SVN.

We have not yet used SVN enough to understand the losses or benefits of
copying for tagging and branching, but I agree, it is a little strange
after using CVS.

To me, the best benefit of SVN is the atomic commits primarily from the
perspective that revision numbers are per-commit, not per-file and log
messages are attached to the revision. This allows us to do for example a
change request or a bugfix and have the source control system record
automatically what constituted that change request or bugfix rather than
having to record this manually in documentation or cross references.

I agree that the proprietary database format is a step backwards and makes
me nervous should something happen to the repository.

Ultimately, I'd love to see a standard relational database like SQLServer
or MySQL used as the backend to the source control system. That way you can
be confident of the integrity of the contents, perform safe backups,
utilise exising knowledge and infrastructure and have the ability to layer
additional functionality on the system (like reporting).

Thanks again and I wait eagerly for your "Pushok SVN proxy" release!
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 08 Apr 04 04:00 writes

We currently develop separate version for SVN. It is planned that
beta version will be ready at the end of April, final release in the
middle of May.
However, just a comment that I not sure that SVN really better than
Major improvements:
1. Speed
2. Ability to rename folders and files
1. Completely removed support for "cvs editors/watchers". I.e. way to
inform others that you edit file.
2. Very _STRANGE_ implementation for TAG and BRANCHES. All can be done
only by means of copying. While for branches may be this is not bad
(but not think that good), absence of TAG support really _CONFUSES_
us. I.e. it have no way to associate symbolic name with some revision
_AT ALL_. Thus, to make TAG or BRANCH they suggest the same, just COPY
some folder (mirror it in repository).
3. Very often (may be this just result of our developing/debugging
process) SVN reports that SVN repository became locked. And each time
we should apply "svn cleanup". This is very unstable behavior, but
again may be this is just result of our development.
4. Repository now is database, not know how it stable. CVS uses RCS,
which even became broken can be 100% guaranteed restored. SVN
repository is the BLACK BOX, the same as VSS.
So, I really _NOT SURE_ that it is better than CVS, but "Pushok SVN
proxy" will be ready soon.
--> Tristan Bates (user)  at 08 Apr 04 04:00 writes

Following is an email that I sent you however I thought it would be good to
post it here as well.

Firstly, I’d like to say how impressed I am with your software. I think
your plug-in is probably the only comprehensive CVS SCC interface worth
considering for Visual Studio .NET.
One of the issues that we face however, which is inherent in CVS, is that
you cannot cleanly rename files nor move files between directories and
maintain version history.

We have been monitoring an open-source revision management product called
subversion ( which you may already be aware of which
provides a superior alternative to CVS. For example, subversion addresses
the renaming and file moving issues that CVS has as well as providing many
other significant improvements over CVS.

The designers of Subversion used CVS as a model and as a result, its
command line is very similar to that of CVS.

Subversion has only just recently been promoted to a version 1.0 status and
is beginning to be widely used amongst the community.

Unfortunately, while there are a few independent projects working on a
Visual Studio .NET SCC based plugin for Subversion, none of them are
anywhere near the quality or comprehensiveness of your product.

Do you have any plans (please!) to create a version of your software to
support subversion?

On the surface, it would appear to me that this should not be a difficult
task for you to do. You have already done the most difficult part –
implementing the SCC interface. Since Subversion has a similar command line
interface, it would seem to be a simple task to modify your software to
interface to the subversion command line program.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.
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