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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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CVS NT upgrade issues, how to avoid problems

As announced previously we perform testing of CVS NT server for general
compatibility with plug-in and windows environment. Plug-in the most
intensively uses CVS client, if to compare with other clients. So, the
«stable» state of CVS NT server is very important for it.
However, we test this in assumption that we can successfully work with new
repository on new client and new server. Unfortunately we found another
issue, which our test not covered. This is the problem, which can appears
upgrading from one version of CVS NT to another. Basically this should goes
smoothly, since both client and server should upgrade both repository and
working copy for required condition. But to prevent possible downtimes and
problem we suggest the following:

0. It is VERY good idea to «simulate» this upgrade on test repository and
test PC's first.
1. Commit all your changes, and remove working copies from computers. New
CVS NT client can change format of cvs sandbox, and attempt to start it on
old working copy can cause problems.
2. Backup your repository. New CVS NT can modify your repository and this
can makes the rollback impossible.
3. De-install server, and then install new. Check it\'s options to make
sure your repository still there.
4. Re-install our plug-in and other clients to make sure all will use new
client to manage working copy files.
5. Pull sources from new server, and continue your work. All should work

And finally, just on our experience we found that any upgrades are only
useful when you you really need them. I.e. you see reason why you doing
this: speed, new features ans so on. If you comfortable working with
current version, stay on it. Upgrade can not only improve your work, but
also brings new problems.

Pushok Software Team.

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