Here's more detail on the errors:
I get "Method Unspecified error"
I get "parameter incorrect"
information. This can be caused by:-
Deleted or missing solution options file (.suo).
Opening a project from the local disk without its solution.
Adding a project controlled by a different source control database.
Opening the solution when source control is not available.
If Visual Studio is unable to recover the missing information for PushOk
source control. It is recommended that you complete this browse operation
is canceled or fails, you can use the Change Source Control dialog box to
correct the problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks much.
- Brian
-----Original Message-----
From: support@pushok.com [mailto:support@pushok.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:06 AM
To: bgolden@ihavedsl.com
Subject: [pst374] plubin hands for approx. 2minutes
http://www.pushok.com/tickets_addmodify.php?id=374We never have this issue before. Coul you please provide exact message for
the errro you mentioned (....an error of incorrectly..)