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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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svn_snv.exe connecting to internet

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 27 Sep 05 09:00 Updated: 28 Sep 05 09:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 28 Sep 05 09:00 writes

When you open IDE and plug-in is active it connect periodically to
subversion server(s) to check availability of connection. This is need
maintain correct functionality of plug-in depending on your on-line or
off-line status. This behavior controlled by plug-in option "Determine
on-line/off-line status".
If you switch off this option plug-in should _not_ connect to any servers
except when required (you make check-in, check-out etc).
The log records that shows that plug-in connects to non subversion servers
you use I consider erroneous.
On our experience we know several compatibility or other issues with zone
alarm. I advise you to use another firewall "outpost firewall" - At least use trial version to check that svn_svn
really not connect to any servers except subversions servers you use.
--> brett (user)  at 27 Sep 05 09:00 writes

When I examine my ZoneAlarm firewall logs, I see that svn_svn.exe is
repeatedly trying to connect to the internet. This happens whenever I
browse a website in my web browser (Firefox). For any page that I visit,
svn_svn.exe tries to connect to that ip. For instance, now that I've come
to this site, there are 48 blocked connection attempts from svn_svn.exe to, 24 to a1981.g.akamai, and 12 to This
behavior seems highly suspicious to me. Could you please help me
understand why this is happening and how to stop it... it's *flooding* my
firewall logs.

Thank you,
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