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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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error code -15 (Nonspecific error.)

( CVSSCC , Madcap Flare, 1.4.x, WIN XP, x86, UNIX  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 17 Sep 09 09:00 Updated: 21 Sep 09 09:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 21 Sep 09 09:00 writes

We didn't test the plugin for compatibility with Madcap Flare. Full list of
compatible IDEs you may find at
Please, any questions about Madcap Flare compatibility with MS SCCAPI ask
developers of Madcap Flare.
--> Automated Securities Clearance Automated Securities Clearance (user)  at 17 Sep 09 09:00 writes

I keep getting an error stating "“Checking out: Project/TOCs/Primary.fltoc

Source Control: CustomScc:CheckOut - call failed with error code -15
(Nonspecific error.)

The source control operation finished with warnings and/or errors. Press
Close when you are done reviewing the messages.” while trying to check out
a file. No one is currently using or editing the file but then too I keep
getting this error message. We tried re-adding the latest file manually to
CVS which worked and the latest file was displayed in Flare. But, when I
try to check out the file, it again gives me the same error message.

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