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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Does pushok works with mapped network drives??

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 26 Jul 04 07:00 Updated: 27 Jul 04 07:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 27 Jul 04 07:00 writes

1. Our plug-in do not implement any CVS functionality. Instead it uses
cvs.exe (cvs client) for all operations. By default it is shipped and
configured to use CVS NT 2.0.38.
2. This version CVS NT consider local share access as _deprecated_. In
other words they cannot guarantee that it will work correctly. That's
why they require "force" option "-N".
3. So, as the solution you can configure plug-in to use other CVS
client. I can recommend the linux port also shipped with client
(unix_cvs.exe). You can configure this in plug-in options, page CVS
4. However, based on our experience, we _not recommend_ to use CVS in
file share mode for team development. Sometime this cause some
problems with locks in repository. _Much_ better and correct is to use
CVS in true client-server mode. You can use CVS NT for this.
Check this link:
or our help at:
--> Fred Silb (user)  at 26 Jul 04 07:00 writes

Hello everyone,

I'm testing pushok, I was using igloo, with 2003. I'm trying to
create a repository in a mapped drive.


When I click on create I get this error:

Error creating repository:
[init aborted]: Local access to network share not supported (use -N to
override this error).

Does anyone knows a solution to this problem???

Thanks a lot in advance
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