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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Minor update of SVN SCC proxy released

New version can be downloaded here:
The following changes are made in this release:

Speed optimizations that will decrease time for initial (open from)/(add
to) source control up to 30%.

All plug-in windows now correctly handle the parent window submitted by

We also glad to announce start of work on major version update of SVN SCC
proxy – version 1.2. Subversion 1.2 already in «release candidate» state.
We do believe that we will make new version in 1-2 weeks, and new release
will follow official release of SVN 1.2.
New SVN 1.2 will contain features for reserved checkout mode, which are
very important for binary files or some specific IDE (like PowerBuilder).
With this feature SVN resolve one of important disadvantages in compare
with CVS.

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