The SVN options configuration window allows the plug-in settings adjustment. Below you can see this window with default settings:
- Enable online/offline background check procedure
This option makes the plug-in check approximately every minute if your SVN server is accessible or not. Knowing this is important for the plug-in, since, having detected offline mode, it won't try to access the server. Requests to the server themselves do not cause errors, but they can result in long pauses (timeouts). If you are not going to work offline at all, switch this option off.
- Enable file rename monitoring
This option makes the plug-in monitor renaming of files in the background mode, and, having detected renaming at the local disk, suggests renaming in the repository.
- Enable file delete monitoring
This option makes the plug-in monitor deleting of files in the background mode, and, having detected deletion at the local disk, suggests deletion in the repository.
- Use "_svn" sandboxes for compatibility with VS.NET web projects
It is known that there exists strange incompatibility of SVN with VS.NET web projects due to usage of service directories with ".svn" names. This option helps to bypass this problem. However, working copy will be compatible only with SVNGUIs which support this mode.
- Don't use chached authentication, always request it
When option is switched on, you configure the plug-in always request interactively login and password when connecting to server. However typed information will be cached during work session (until you shutdown the IDE). When switched off, once typed, authentication information can be cached on local disk.
- Don't show repository graph in the History dialog
This is time consuming action but not used very often. So if you mostly not need it, and not wish to wait while repository graph will be fetched from repository, then you can disable it.
- Check revisions for svn:externals
In order to correctly handle the revisions of external links, some additional processing required, which slows down the plug-in. If you use the external definitions with revision flags, enable this option, otherwise leave it off.
- When should commit messages be explicitly requested:
Configures behavior of "commit guard" which can check the commit messages passed from IDE. You can configure "commit guard" to:
* request the commit message when it is passed empty. I.e. you forgot to type it in IDE.
* always show commit guard dialog to allow confirm or modify commit message.
* not show commit message confirmation dialog.
- Progress Dialog Settings...
Pushing this button you will see the dialog, with the help of this dialog you may tune progress dialog display mode.

* Show progress dialog for operation longer than ...
Displays the plug-in progress dialog when the operation is performed longer than the specified time period (in seconds). You can switch off this option if you do not want to see progress dialog at all.
* Old-style progress dialog
If you think this Progress dialog is too advanced or you just don't like it -anytime you may back to old progress dialog version selecting this option.
Please pay attention - all changes in this settings will affect plugin after rebooting your IDE only !!!
File status definition
- Checkout files readonly (requires usage of PushokRWMon when other clients are used)
This option assigns "readonly" flag to the files, which are not checked out. In most cases you shouldn't change it, since this behavior is expected by almost all IDEs. If you plan to make file modification outside IDE then please consider to use PushokRWMon tool which will adjust read-only flag in that case.
- Always check server for file status (enhanced status information)
Requests file statuses from the server. This brings additional 'need update' status. However not all IDE can display or use it.
- When file is locked on checkout, mark it also as locally checked out
SVN does not have concept of marking files for editing (like cvs edit). So when 'checkout' command is issued from IDE we put file into local list of checked-out files. However when checkout issued svn lock (for binary files for instance) it is possible to not mark file as locally checked out. In such case when doing commit outside of IDE file will get right status.
- Consider that files are checked out when :
Configure plug-in to return checked out status for file when file has one of selected attributes:
* svn lock is in effect for file.
* file is modified (may be externaly).
* file is locally marked as checked out by IDE.
- Use workaround for "Advanced Get..." dialog in VS 2005
Report fake status to the IDE in order to force file update. See "How to select advanced options..." topic for details. If you use Visual Studio 2005 and the functionality, provided by "Get..." command with advanced options, is required to you, turn on this option. Otherwise leave it turned off.
- Launch conflict editor right after file update
This option uses the plug-in sources for resolving conflicts. The plug-in processes conflicts and displays the files comparison window for resolving conflicts before them being re-read by the IDE. Switching this option on leads to standard for SVN conflict processing procedure (conflict markers are merged with files). This can cause problems, if conflicts occur in project files.
Concurrent edit
- Reserved checkout mode
The server part of CVS does not provide full support for this mode, but its simulation is supported by the plug-in. Switching this option on means the following: status "checkout only for me" and using the option "-c" of the command "cvs edit" (checkout), which does not enable this command if somebody else is already editing this file. Thus, you can ignore the "editors warning" if you want, but this option implies more strict limitation.
- Use reserved checkout mode for binary files
The same as the previous option, but it is applied only for binary files. Binary files cannot be merged anyway (unlike text files), therefore their simultaneous editing is undesirable, since it will always cause conflicts, which nobody will know how to resolve. The option is on by default.
- Set svn:ned-lock attribute for newly added files
When this option is switched on, the plug-in add automatically "svn:need-lock" attribute for all files which were added to source control.
- Update files before checkout (incompatible with offline mode).
This option makes the plug-in get latest version of file when doing check-out command. This behavior is standard for SourceSafe and some IDE expect it from plug-in. But SVN does not require this and allow to start modifications in local version. We consider SVN behavior useful because it allows longer remain with old version of sources while doing some large modification. However this potentially can cause conflict when you didn't expect.
- Update binary files (not mergable) before checkout.
Even allowed it is better always have latest version of binary files when start editing. This is because binary files cannot be merged and because of that conflicts are not desired.