The configuration window of external applications is used to specify what applications of the plug-in should be loaded for different operations.
CVS executable
- Use specified
The plug-in already contains two CVS clients (CVSNT, UNIX). With this option switched off the built-in CVSNT client will be used. It is suitable for many cases. However, if you use CVS and other programs (WinCVS for instance) for control, then using of the same cvs.exe for all programs is recommended. In this case you can switch this option on and specify the path to an alternative CVS. The plug-in does not use any special CVS functions, therefore any client will be theoretically suitable. But it is important also that your client should be compatible with the server you use (for example, some old CVSNT clients are not compatible with new CVSNT server).
- GUI executable
Allows customization of the application, which will be performed by the command "Start Source control" from IDE. We recommend using WinCVS.
Use following tools for
- Diff/merge
The application is loaded when the command to compare is performed. It is possible to configure format of command line arguments using keywords %first(%1), %second(%2) and %ancesto(%3). When calling compare tools such keywords will be replaced to quoted names of real files. It is possible to configure command line separately for 2-way and 3-way compare tools.
Also you can use extended keywords %file_name (it will be replaced on only file name without location path), %first_rev, %second_rev and %ancestor_rev.
They might be used for editor's headings, when supported. (For instance - Araxis Merge 6.5 is supporting that).
- Conflict resolving
The application is loaded for conflict resolving. Similar to diff/merge tool it is possible to configure format of command line arguments. Keyword %merged represent the file itself; %theirs represent the repository version of file; %base is the common predecessor; %mine is your version of file. This is the maximum number of versions which possible to provide for conflict resolving tools. But the %merged and %theirs versions are most important, %base and %mine is just helpers.
Option to restore conflict markers enables conflict markers in %merged file when conflict resolution tool is launched. Markers are created on the fly before launching conflict tool and are removed after it closed. This is to support different kind of tools. For example the build-in CVS conflict editor tool can accept only one argument "%merged" if it contains conflict markers or "%merged %theirs" when there are no conflict markers.
The "Replace expanded CVS keywords with their original values before tool invocation" option must help you in specific case, when you actively use the Keyword Substitution. Usually using the Keyword Substitution must not call conflict, but sometimes it may happen.If you switch on this option then it will curtail all Keyword Substitutions in your conflict files before looking for real conflict in them.
Also you can use extended keywords %file_name (it will be replaced on only file name without location path), %base_rev, %theirs_rev.
They might be used for editor's headings, when supported. (For instance - Araxis Merge 6.5 is supporting that).
- Viewing
The application is loaded for file viewing.
Allow non modal view and compare windows
When this option is switched on, plug-in does not wait for closing view/compare tool. This allows to open several compare/view windows what might be helpful. But the side effect of this is a temporary files which remain on local disk in temporary folder.